2012年5月11日 星期五

Adobe Lightroom 4 上蘋果 Mac App Store

Adobe 過去半年來陸陸續續將 Photoshop Elements 10 和 Premiere Elements 10 推上 Mac App Store,各要價79.99美元。另外雲端相本 Adobe Revel 則在試用後每月需5.99美元。昨天5月10日再度將 Lightroom 4 上蘋果 Mac App Store,149.99 美元。價格跟上個月剛在 Adobe 自家網站推出時一樣。
目前比較麻煩的事:在 Mac App Store 中對原先已有非在 Store 上購買的用戶無法在 Store 內直接購買升級版。Adobe 也提醒用戶,在 Mac App Store 上購買新版後,將來可能無法享受升級版的優惠價!Adobe 網站的提醒事項:

1. This is a single platform license for Mac only.  (The boxed version and the ESD offering on Adobe.com can be installed on Mac or Windows)
2.Updates will take place through the Mac App Store, not via Adobe.com for this version of Lightroom.  When we update Lightroom for new camera support(about 4 times per year), the Mac App Store version may be released at a different time than the update on Adobe.com
3. There is no upgrade pricing available on the Mac App Store for Lightroom customers who own Lightroom 1, 2 or 3.
4. Because there is no upgrade pricing or upgrade validation currently available on the Mac App Store, there is no guarantee that upgrade pricing will be available to Mac App Store Lightroom 4 customers when Lightroom 5 and future versions of Lightroom are released.
5. Lightroom 4 is available on the Mac App Store in North America only

老人:看來隨著 iTunes App Store 的商業模式成功後,再接再厲的 Mac App Store 也算是漸漸讓用戶,尤其是傳統軟體商的重視!連 Adobe 都不得不接受它,否者在這一未來的市場上曝光度降低。只是升級問題仍待蘋果解決!

